
Saturday, May 31, 2014

14 Months!

This month Ryder has really perfected walking and is now working on running.  He has also started climbing up onto and over everything.  He can pull himself up onto the couch now and loves to climb back and forth, right over me.  He loves to play outside in the yard and likes to play with a big beach ball.  He's been picking things up and throwing them for a while, now he's learning to kick too.

He is still eating more and more.  The only thing he hasn't liked lately is hotdogs.  Maybe it's because I get the gourmet ones ;)  We changed his milk over to rice milk and that seems to have improved his life majorly.  He can still eat yogurt, but milk seems to be too much for his system. He adores fruit, especially strawberries.  I can't wait to give him some straight from the garden this coming month.

When he's upset, Ryder clearly says "Mama" and "Dada," although not frequently.  He makes all kinds of sounds and it is clear that he is imitating our timing and intonation, but not any other clear words yet.  He knows so many phrases/directions now.  He will go to the right place if we say "breakfast," "lunch," "dinner," "outside," and "milk."  In fact, if we say one of those words and don't do what he expects us to, he gets very upset.  He will get things that we ask for and bring them to us.  I would guess that he recognizes a hundred-ish words.

His top four teeth have come in pretty far and it seems like two more top teeth are popping through too.  He seems to think that kisses involve biting.  He gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek and then chomps down for the finale.  He got his first haircut this month, which he totally hated!  You would have thought we were cutting off his legs.  He looks like a little boy now instead of a baby.

We took these pictures pretty late- we're both in our PJ's!

Not a bad haircut considering he spent the entire time trying to get away.

Taking a moment to see what's on the TV.

Playing with some blocks.

Tired boy with his binky and his froggy friend.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Me-Made-May 2014


So I decided to participate in Me-Made-May for the first time. I have a fair number of me-made items, so why not look for a reason to wear them!  May is the perfect month for a New Englander to try this challenge because we can wear the cool (or this year cold!) weather clothes at the beginning of the month and then maybe, if we're lucky, get to bust out the summer clothes at the end.

Here's my pledge:

 'I sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear 4-5 handmade garments each week for the duration of May 2014'

I have a few dresses, a few skirts, a pair of capris, a pair of shorts, a couple of t-shirts and a sweater to mix in. Each week I'm going to post a round up of my outfits that include me-made items- some people post an outfit photo every day.  I suspect those people do not currently have a baby and a full-time job.  Maybe someday that can be me!