Ryder's speaking skills have continued to improve. He's basically onto full sentences all the time and he picks up new words and phrases super fast. Out of the blue, he comes up with phrases that he has heard and uses them correctly in context. When we're saying goodbye to someone he says "bye-bye" then "see you soon" and then "have a good day." It's adorable. My favorite this month is "right back" which he says anytime he's going to leave our presence- many times he's going to do something we wouldn't approve of, so I think he says it so we'll stay put!
His drawing skills continue to improve- his trucks are getting more and more detailed. He can, to some degree, copy shapes that we draw. He'll probably start learning letters and such pretty soon. When he wants attention, or just because I suppose, he draws on the table, so he has gotten very good at cleaning up marker. One day after he cleaned the marker off of the table, he continued to clean the rest of the table and the chairs! He loves to help. He wants to help cook everything and he's a great help in the garden when I'm harvesting tomatoes.
The terrible two's are in full effect at this point. There is a lot of screaming and tantrum throwing, he is definitely jealous of Vivien and likes to bite her and he has become territorial with his possessions. He and his little neighbor friend get into arguments constantly about who should be using what. There are some things that Ryder doesn't like to share, special toys, but for the most part he will. Just not when the other person wants it and definitely not if they grab it! He has to be in control of the transaction!
Luckily he's so darn cute, affectionate and fun most of the time or we would be losing our minds!
He really knows his way around these "photo shoots" now, he sits right down nicely!
Silly boy!
Fooling around!
Look at that smile!
Action photo! (Teaching him bad habits...oops)