
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

4 Years +1

This was an interesting month at our house.  Christmas decorations started coming out and being put up all over the house in weird places.  Last year Ryder started trying to get ready for Christmas in June; this year it's April!  Some of the decorations were stored next to the stairs in the basement where he could just get his arm in and yank them out.  Consequently we had a very strange assortment of random Christmas stuff and Christmas lights all over the house.  The lights were even "strung up" and lit up!  It's going to be a long 8 months!

Ryder is still loving dinosaurs.  There is a paleontologist on his dinosaur TV show and now he has been digging up fossils all over the place.  He found a paintbrush and got some digging tools and starting extracting and cleaning fossils all over the place.  There are 12 inch holes everywhere and piles of fossils all over the yard.  The best day was when he brought in a bunch of fossils and cleaned them in the middle of the living room floor!  

As he is every year, Ryder has been a big help in the garden.  He loves to plant seeds and pull weeds.  He knows all the plants that we have growing around the yard and he loves to make the rounds with me to see what has grown and how much.  He gets super excited when the tiny seedlings appear!  He takes his job as chief rabbit chaser very seriously too; he loves to run outside and chase the naughty rabbits out of our garden.

Ryder's favorite new snack is popcorn.  There have been a lot of rainy days here so far this Spring and on a few of them, I've made some popcorn to eat while we watch some shows.  I always seriously overestimate how much popcorn that we need and make a huge bowl.  Ryder will just sit and chow it down!  It is the messiest food ever though- when we eat it, it actually gets everywhere.!

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